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As President Trump implements his economic plans and policies, it could soon be a fresh boom time for Americans. The old saying is hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
To help defend your retirement savings, it may be time to turn to precious metals. Precious metals can help preserve the purchasing power of your money, help safeguard the value of your savings, and serve as a hedge against inflation .
Even better? There is an IRS loophole that could allow you to quickly and easily add gold and silver to diversify your savings and retirement plans.
Disclaimer: Donald Trump does not endorse Goldco or its products.
4 Ways Trump could impact
Your Retirement Savings
Inside This Free Report You’ll Discover:
What you may not know about the
This site is general in nature and not tailored to the specific goals of any individual. All investments carry risk. Some of those risks associated with precious metals include the following: prices may rise and fall, which means the value of your metals may go up or down over time and you may sell for more or less than you paid. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Goldco cannot guarantee, assure, or promise future market movement, prices, or profits. Even though Goldco and its representatives are precious metals specialists, we are not licensed financial advisors and do not give financial advice. Additionally, Goldco cannot provide tax or legal advice and will not advise as to the tax or legal consequences of purchasing or selling precious metals or opening a Precious Metals IRA. Individuals should consult with their investment, legal or tax professionals for such services.
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